M i c h a e l         L o n g

MichaelLong100@yahoo.com  (206) 915 - 2757




Position in Internet and Technical Development



2001- Present    Freelance & Microsoft Contracting            Seattle, WA

Web and .net Developer, Technical Writer, Project Manager

n     Created technology labs and White Papers for Microsoft Digital Media Division (2 month contact)

n     Developed series of streaming video tutorials documenting the Windows Media 9 Series Platform from Microsoft

n     Built demonstration web applications for version 1.2 of the Microsoft .net framework (6 month contract)

n     Developed UI designs for SeeItFirst.com (now defunct), an advanced application services provider web site. (4 month contract)


1998-2001                  OverDrive Media and Development          

Seattle, WA and San Francisco, CA

CEO / Founder

n     Managed and implemented all creative and technical  strategies for streaming media consulting web development company

n     Responsible for art direction, corporate strategy and business development

n     Clients included AtomFilms, Real Networks, Microsoft, Encoding.com, RadioXTC, WatchIT and Sonic Foundry

n     Created a company with 2 offices, 10 employees and $800,000 annual revenue with less than $20,000 in personal investment and no venture capital

1998                   Microsoft Site Builder Network – MSDN     Redmond,WA

Writer / Demo Developer

n     Created Series of tutorials based on client side development of applications around the Windows Media Active X Control and Client Side SDK

1995–1998        Microsoft – Digital Media Group               Redmond, WA

Technical Evangelist / Online Multimedia Development

n     Created multimedia projects using the Windows Media Platform

n     Provided deployment support for advanced streaming media projects including Warner Bros., Warner Lambert, NASA and Capitol Records

n     Developed and produced streaming media demonstrations on Windows Media Platform

n     Wrote feature articles about developing multimedia for constrained bandwidth networks




1990–1995        Indiana University                                   Bloomington, IN

n     BA Fine Arts – concentrations (Graphic Design, Web Design and Sculpture)  Minors – Art History and Sociology

1990 National Outdoor Leadership School                        Lander, WY

Technologies & Software


Software Proficiency: Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Director, 3D FX, Sound Forge, Acid Sequencer, HTML, DHTML, XML, JavaScript, VBScript, Windows Media Technologies, Real Networks Technologies, NT Server Network Issues, Microsoft Liquid Motion, Macromedia Flash, Macintosh OS, Visual Basic, Active Server Pages, UNIX OS, MSDOS OS, Active X, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, PHP, GoLive, HomeSite, IIS, .net

Professional Skills: Graphic Design, Web Development, Multimedia Design, Technical Marketing, Sales, Program Management, Technical Writing, Interface Design, Sound Editing, Video Editing, Product Management



§      Completed 7 Outward Bound Courses (Dog Sledding, Kayaking, Hiking, Mountain Climbing)

§      Spent 3 months on a cross-country bike tour (Seattle to South Dakota)

§      Recently finished first book of short stories: Obscure Dead Celebrities

§      Featured Writer at Victor Hugo House (Seattle), North Beach Café (San Francisco), and Monon Café (Indianapolis)

§      Received Shal Rugby College Scholarhip

§      Played rugby in college (Indiana University), high school and for the Indianapolis Rugby Club




2003  Jan - Present         Real Change                                Seattle, WA

Instructor: Web Page Design - Job Skills Class

3 hour class teaching homeless basic computer skills and web page development