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Flash Services



an be used for almost any type of multimedia project. You may be familiar with Flash Web Sites but flash can also be used for web sites, training programs, marketing CDs, CDROM Business Cards, Software Prototyping, Interface Design and Trade Show Demonstrations. I have used Flash for each of these projects.

Web Sites

If you are familiar with Flash then you know that it is the technology of choice for high end motion graphics. It can also be used to create complex data driven web sites and even web applications with the integration of server side technologies. In numerous studies it has been proven that customers spend more time on Flash sites than basic HTML web sites. Flash is a powerful tool that can provide brand awareness and new customers when used correctly.

Training Programs

Flash is a multifaceted new media platform and it can provide animated training for any number of applications. Computer Based Training has become popular as a means of providing training to a geographically diverse work force. Flash bring power to training and augments both written training programs.

Marketing CDROM

A marketing CDROM is easier to produce that you would think. A professionally created CDROM can make a small company look large and a large company look better. It can also be an immediate source of reference material for existing customers. A Flash CDROM puts corporate power in the hands of each and every customer.

CDROM Business Cards

The CDROM Business Card is similar to a regular business card. It provides the customer with the address, phone number, and email of the sales professional. Unlike a regular business card the CDROM makes an immediate impact. Perspective customers love the novelty of the CDROM business card and remember the name of the individual that gave it to them.

The CDROM business card continues the relationship by providing a second opportunity to impress the customer. The impact is immediate and powerful.

Software Prototyping

How does it work? What does it feel like? Can the customer understand the product? These questions can be answered before the expensive process of development begins. Flash provides a unique way to create functional models for each phase of the usability process. Software prototyping can be even more powerful if it used for investor demonstrations.

Few Flash Developers have the design and development experience. If you need someone with ten years of online experience, a Fortune 500 portfolio, a powerful understanding of what it takes to make your project a success then you should call today.

Phone Number:  206.915.2757   

Email: me@mikeylong.com